Monday, August 27, 2007

Early Morning Rendezvous

Last night I was on an adventure that took me out roaming the streets at four thirty in the morning. I wasn’t doing anything special, just wandering the ave on a beautiful night in the early morning hours with a new friend. There is something so freeing about being awake when the rest of the city is sleeping, you feel so alive; alive and hungry. The latter presented a problem. It was one of those nights perfect for a sketchy greasy spoon 24-hour diner. However, there was no such place walking distance from campus. This concerned me greatly. For logical reasons, how could a college campus that is relatively busy at all hours of the night not have a place available 24 hours? It’s just a preposterous notion. And on a nostalgic level, many of my favorite memories from high school involve eating curly fries at Mel’s Diner late at night (early in the morning) after a school function. I want them to be memories I have from college too. So I set out on a mission to find a place and I came back empty handed. Even my veteran University of Washington friends were shocked when we drove past the burger joint Dick’s and it too was closed. Maybe it is just slow right now and eventually there will be a 24-hour place. If not, I might have to go into the food business to rectify this situation.

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